By: EricAdamson


Consider starting with a prayer. “Lord! As I read Lee’s thoughts about this, may Your love and compassion for my daughter and me travel with you. I want to follow Your lead. I pray in Your Name, Amen! 

One: Find the Meaning of Your Daughter’s Name. First, search on the internet or purchase a guide to discover the meaning of your daughter’s name. You will be able to understand it better than most people, but you should still start looking into names for the long-term (how wonderful!). If you are interested in the topic more, you might type “names of babies” or “baby name” into the search engine. Enjoy your search! Two: Create a Framework for Your Prayer. I believe the following options will help you achieve one important factor as you move forward on this substantial enterprise: they provide a framework to develop your prayer. It is important to pray about creating it.

  • It is a great idea to share it with your daughter.
  • Your daughter will be a better person if you take control of your heart.
  • It should be designed with the intention to be used for at least a few years.

It is important to write it down. Three: A pattern creation of the customized prayer for the daughter you love. Let’s say that your primary title is “Who is like God”, and that her middle title is “Defender.” Because she already knows You, I ask her to deeply experience Your joy, peace, and love on the inside. She will also be able to reflect that same feeling to those around her.

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“4: Personalizing the Course of — Your Flip As you make your masterpiece, consider the following to help you on what I consider a very fulfilling journey. When I think about my heartfelt framework for creating this prayer, what three things come to mind? “What are my most treasured memories based on my own heartfelt passions regarding what I would like to see the Lord accomplish in the life of my daughter?” “As my prayerfully assume the meaning of my daughter’s title or names, what includes thoughts that I prayfully use with the help of my heartfelt framework and what I see (or imagine) as my deep desires?”

The ongoing personalization: You can change it! You can change it, yes! You can also include different prayers to get specific insights from the Lord about how to pray.